Ain't We Got Fun?
Words & Music by Gus Kahn, Raymond B. Egan & Richard Whiting, 1921
Recorded by Doris Day, 1953
Sung with Danny Thomas in the movie "I'll See You In My Dreams"
D Fdim D D Fdim D A7 Em7 A7
Ev-'ry morn - ing, ev-'ry eve - ning, ain't we got fun?
A7 Em7 A7 G/B A7 D G A7 D D7
Not much mon - ey, oh but hon - ey, ain't we got fun?
G G/F# Fdim(III) Fdim D Bm7 B7
The rent's un - paid dear, we haven't a car;
E G/F# G Em7 G/B A7
But an - y - way, dear, we'll stay as we are.
D Fdim D D Fdim D A7 Em7 A7
In the win - ter, in the sum - mer, don't we have fun?
A7 Em7 A7 G/B A7 D G A7 D D7
Times are glum and getting glum - mer, still we have fun.
G G/F# Fdim(III) Fdim E E6 G A7
There's nothing sur - er: the rich get rich and the poor get poorer.
D Fdim D B7 E7 Gdim A7 D
In the mean - time, in be - tween time, ain't we got fun?
Note: I've taken liberties with the wording of the beginning of the second verse -- but no more than the singers did. This wording has more in common with a much earlier Margaret Whiting recording.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.